

phone number: 314-452-4717

I have always had a love for all things Disney! From my collection of stuffed Pooh’s, Mickey watches, Disney purses, to my love for traveling to Disney World, I am a true Disney Fan! I only went one time as a kid but as soon as I had a family of my own, we traveled there at least once a year. I am just glad my husband loves Disney almost as much as I do. I am raising two boys that are Disney Fans also.

Our favorite time of the year at Disney is during the Christmas season! Disney knows how to celebrate the holidays! I am hoping to travel to other Disney destinations soon. We will be cruising on the Disney Dream at the end of the year! Can’t wait! For me planning my vacation is almost as fun as the actual vacation itself! That is why this job opportunity is a dream come true! I love talking with people about Disney and helping them plan a magical trip! I want to help you plan a magical vacation that will bring you memories that will never be forgotten! Planning vacations at destinations other than Disney is a challenge I am ready to take on.

 I have graduated from Disney’s College of Disney Knowledge as well as Royal Caribbean's WoW university! A close second to my love for Disney is my love for Cruising.


Walt Disney World Resort